When I recently entered a black hole ‘software upgrade’ with a progress bar stuck at halfway for endless hours, I had no option but to down digital marketing tools and find productivity at the end of a pen nib, not a keyboard.

Surprisingly, while I couldn’t do my usual, oft-frenetic digital routine at work, I focused on solving just one content problem. It had my undivided attention and I dominated it.

Sometimes, a digital detox, enforced or otherwise, is just what you need to focus on writing a blog post, developing a strategy for your social media content, or reworking that email subject line. Power to the paper.

So, turn off the screen (or attempt a significant system upgrade at the start of day — your choice), and give your digital assets a boost. Let me know how it goes.

Buff up your content

At Rocksalt we're on a mission to shine the web's words, buffing up content into sparkling stories that engage and inspire your readers. 

Why not put our copywriting skills to the test? Buff Up Your Content today.

Image: disconnect by Scott Swigard is licensed under CC BY 2.0
AuthorKate Watson