We all scan websites, and we do it quickly. By crafting your online copy around what people are looking for when they scan your website — essentially deciding whether to stay or go — you reduce bounce rates and increase session times.
One simple way to give readers a scannable flavour of what they'll find on your site is to use contextual links. Links stick out, so treat them like a table of contents bobbing around on a sea of words. Contextual links are complete phrases, rather than 'click heres' and 'find outs', that signpost particular pages and areas of interest.
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Find out how to set up your own channel sections.
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Find out how to set up your own channel sections.
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A Finnish study found listening to music stimulates emotional, motor and creative parts of the brain as well as audial.
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A Finnish study found listening to music stimulates emotional, motor and creative parts of the brain as well as audial. (Click here to read about the study).
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...such as a fantastically interesting blog post; even Richard Branson’s onto that.
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...such as a fantastically interesting blog post (read more).
And while you’re making your content more user-friendly for people to scan, you’re also helping out your accessibility rating for blind users with screen readers.
Buff up your content
At Rocksalt we're on a mission to shine the web's words, buffing up content into sparkling stories that engage and inspire your readers.
Why not put our copywriting skills to the test? Buff Up Your Content today.